Brexit (Mistake #105)

I have my views on the Brexit, but I shan’t tell you them, because you don’t care. I presume you have yours, and I hope you extend me the same courtesy, because I don’t care either.

Don’t write about why you think we should stay or why we should go.

Do write about what the founders of local small businesses think of the possible Brexit, and how it will impact on their companies, and even their staff. This could affect local jobs, and whether businesses you patronise can maintain the service they offer you, in the long run. Readers care about that. Interview, perhaps, one for, and one against, and compare the two. Get some independent input from a neutral regional observer, relevant to the businesses you profile, to comment on both cases. Don’t come out on the ‘side’ of anyone. Be impartial. Let the reader decide.

An editor of a local paper may like that.

You have four months. Not to decide whether you like Dave or Boris (or both) (or neither). You have four months in which to sell material on the upcoming EU referendum (and years to write about the impact of the decision after that). That’s still time for the monthlies, just about.

Who are your regular clients? Car magazines? Speak to some car dealers. How will trade be effected? Will we end up buying more British cars? These could lead to an idea, and an article.

Food magazines? EU law determines a lot of how we label food and the information on processed food products. Will this change? Might our health decline?

I’d forget about the politics. The political journalists will have that covered, and the right access to the politicians, press releases, spin doctors … Speak to people you can access and whose businesses will be impacted. Ask them questions. Ask them more. Everything they tell you is a potential idea.

In case you think I’m saying your opinion doesn’t matter – I’m not. But I’m saying it’s unlikely to be saleable. The opinion and comment from those in position of authority, expertise or experience are those which are.

Useful Resources
What UK Thinks. EU – Non-partisan information on UK attitudes to the EU Referendum
EU Referendum – The Guardian’s dedicated section
EU Referendum – The Telegraph’s dedicated section
British Influence – Pro-EU Think Tank
Campaign for an Independent Britain – cross-party group
Say Yes to Europe – Useful links from pro-EU grassroots group
Get Britain Out – Grassroots Eurosceptic Group

Books / Further Reading
The EU Referendum: A Guide for Voters – David Torrance
Brexit: How Britain Will Leave Europe – Denis MacShane
The Trouble with Europe – Roger Bootle
Europe: In or Out? – David Charter (ebook)
The In/Out Question – Hugo Dixon (ebook)
The European Union: A Very Short Introduction – John Pinder / Simon Underwood

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