UK & Ireland Markets

This is an evolving list of British and Irish writers’ markets more welcoming to ideas, approaches and/or submissions from new and beginner writers — or which offer detailed writers’ guidelines online.

A more exhaustive source of such publications is the Writers and Artists’ Yearbook 2022

Highly original / specialist short articles for children aged 8-13. Pay: £105.

Best of British
Monthly devoted to Britain’s nostalgia and heritage. ‘The Yesterday Remembered’ slot — £20 for up to 800 words.

Catholic Herald
Weekly Catholic paper. News, features, profiles, comment and articles on national and international religious affairs. Pay: around £70 per 1,000 words.

The Church of England Newspaper
Weekly Anglican paper. National and international news, features, profiles, politics, arts and culture, up to 1,000 words. Pay: around £40 per 1,000 words. Help for Contributors here.

Church Times
Weekly Anglican paper. News, features, profiles, comment and articles up to 1,000 words on current religious topics. Pay: around £100 per 1,000 words.

Country Smallholding
Horticulture, poultry, farm animals, bees, trees, wildlife.

The Countryman
Countryside, nature, wildlife, profiles, history, rural issues. Pay: from £70 per 1,000 words.

‘Lakeland’s Favourite Magazine’. Local history, heritage, outdoor pursuits, wildlife etc. £70 per 1,000 words.

Yorkshire countryside, history, activities, nostalgia, profiles.

Devon Life
Devon lifestyle, property, food, profiles, places.

Dogs Today
Monthly devoted to all who bark and all who feed them. Pay: around £80 per 1,000 words.

Monthly county magazine. Local culture, history, wildlife, people. Pay: around £75 per 1,000 words.

Dorset Life
Monthly county magazine. Features about Dorset and its towns. Pay: From £50 per 1,000 words.

Down Your Way
“Yorkshire’s nostalgic magazine”. Social history and nostalgia. Pay: up to £35 per 1,000 words.

Quarterly devoted to British nostalgia, custom, folklore, reminiscences and heritage. Pay: £15 per 1,000 words.

Family Tree
Genealogy. 600-2,000 words. Reader stories around £50.

Fly Past
Aviation history and heritage. Guidelines (for all Key Publishing submissions).

Modern and traditional folk music from around the world.

Monthly county magazine. People, places, culture, nature, lifestyle, history.

Hidden Europe
Europe’s hidden spots / lesser known corners of Europe.

History Today
All aspects of history.

The Green Parent
Bimonthly eco-parenting magazine. Organic gardening, natural health, sustainable lifestyle, environmental issues etc. Guidelines: here. Pay: around £75 per 1,000 words.

Free monthly motivational Christian magazine. Profiles, interviews, testimonies, community projects, church life. Pay: around £105 per 1,000 words.

Life and Work
Magazine of the Church of Scotland. Features on Christianity, the Church of Scotland. £120 / one-page feature.

Lincolnshire Life
Monthly covering local heritage, culture, history, contemporary life, personalities, the arts and current affairs. No travel. £25 per page.

Magazine of women’s writing, mainly fictional forms, but also some opportunities for non-fiction. For current contributors’ guidelines, click here. £25 payment for most work.

New Humanist
Bimonthly humanist magazine opposing religious dogma and irrational ideas. Nominal payment.

The Northumbrian
Bimonthly covering local heritage, culture, history, local lifestyle, local personalities.

Oh Comely
Life and stories. Up to £100 per 1,000 words.

The Oldie
General interest articles and humour, especially for ‘I once met’ and ‘Rant’ slots. Pay: around £100 per 1,000 words. £50 for ‘Memory Lane’ slot — around 400 words. See examples here.

Online drinks magazine, with a main focus of beer, wine and cider. 20p / word.

Picture Postcard Monthly
Everything postcards – nostalgia, history, collecting etc.

Positive News
“Good journalism about good things”. £300 per 1,000 words.

Practical Family History
Ancestry, human-interest, genealogy, social history, militiary history etc.

Pro Traveller
Articles on family travel — leaning towards historical and cultural trips – between 500 and 1,000 words. Payment: share of advertising revenue is minimum / between £35-£90. Photography useful. 

Prospect Magazine
Current affairs.

Reform Magazine
Theology, spirituality, Christian themes. £100 per 1,000 words.

The Scots Magazine
Scottish people, places, culture, history, events etc. 1,000 to 2,500 words.

Scottish Memories and History Scotland
Monthly devoted to Scottish history, nostalgia, arts, customs, sport, industry, showbiz, supernatural, legends, science and more. Pay: £70 per 1,000 words. £20 for ‘Scotland Remembered’ contribution.

Skint Dad
Money saving, money making and money saving advice. £20 per article of 600+ words.

The Great Outdoors
Walks — words and photography packages sought.

The People’s Friend
750-1,000 word articles on ‘almost anything — nature, nostalgia, holidays, hobbies’.

This England
Quarterly devoted to all things England. Pay: £25 per 1,000 words.

Vale Life
Glossy lifestyle monthly covering the Vale of Glamorgan.

Independent, semi-independent and specialist travel — off-the-beaten track, and new angles on more familiar destinations.

Waterways World
Waterways, boats and boating, waterway history, current waterway affairs, canals and navigable rivers, whether operational or derelict.

Welsh Country
Welsh-interest features on history, nostalgia, countryside, people, places, arts, culture, food.

Innovations in business, pop culture, science, technology — themed around ‘change’ or ‘the future’.

Woman Alive
Monthly Christian woman’s magazine, featuring articles on inspirational women, faith, wellbeing, relationships and seasonal pieces. Comment section guidelines are here. Pay: Approx. £80 per 1,000 words.

Women Together
The magazine of the Scottish Women’s Rural Institutes. Illustrated crafts, personal histories, social history, health, travel, cookery, women’s interests. Pay: around £40 per 1,000 words.

Your Cat
Monthly feline interest magazine. Cat features. 800-1,000 word True Cat Tales — £40. 400 word ‘It happened to me…’ — £40.

Biweekly general interest and lifestyle magazine for the over fifties. Seeking 1950s / 1960s nostalgia and childhood memories.

Last updated: 30th November 2022.

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