It was my birthday at the weekend. I am still in my thirties, having just turned thirty-twelve. I understand some people call this number “forty-two” but they are just pedants and we don’t need to concern ourselves with them.
Because I’m (possibly) middle-aged and (definitely) grumpy, here are some other age-related writing mini-misdemeanours which trip my grrr switch.
“I’m 29 years of age.”
It’s okay to say “I’m 29.” Nobody’s going to think it’s your name or height in inches.
“I’m 46 years young.”
No, you are 46 years old. (But see above.)
“I’m 33 and a half.”
Well of course you’re allowed to give your age in fractions. But only if you are UNDER TEN.
“I am 58, going on 59.”
Yes, my friend, that’s how the counting system works. “I turn 59 next month” is better.
That’s it I think. I’ll degrump after a nice week off.
Ha ha ha ha ha! Good post.
Well, if life begins at 40, then next year is when my life will begin. (I hope you are enjoying your toddler years 😉 )
I disagree with the half ages though, to a point. Half ages do not count between the ages of ten and 80. After the age of 80, they become acceptable again. Eighty and a half is much more impressive than plain old eighty!
I'm female so I can get away with simply narrowing my eyes if anyone dares to ask my age.
My wife refuses to believe that the day after her 46th birthday she's actually in her 47th year and closer to 47.
Thirty-twelve – LOL! If I used that terminology I'd be a tennis score. And sadly not Thirty Love.
Haha – a mere teenager, then, womag!
Thanks for all your comments.
I, too, and thirty-twelve. And I think I'll be sharing that with my next age-asker.
That, or doing the eye-squinting trick Patsy mentioned. 🙂
Oops! *am thirty-twelve
Haha, good one, Alex! I get the "29 years of age" comment all the time in copies I edit. I thought it just had something to do with a bad case of Indian English (where you translate the sentence in your mind using your local language and it makes perfect sense!), but was surprised to hear it's a global phenomenon!
I enjoy reading your posts; thank you for being a fab tutor!
That's a lovely thing to say, Shefali – and thanks for posting.