Category «Professionalism»

Desperation (Part II) (Mistake #112)

In Desperation (Part I), I wrote the following, which I make no apologies for repeating, this time with emphasis: “Freelance writer” tells the editor you’re available for work.    “Available for work” tells the editor you’re desperate for work.    It’s no good being desperate, because editors can sniff out desperation a mile off, and …

Becoming a Writer (Mistake #106)

Know any Writers? I hope not. I’ve shared breathing space with several over the years and how my personal swearbox remained unfilled on each occasion remains a matter of mystery to me. A Writer is three things: a/ a former aspiring writer b/ a current professional writer, and c/ a writer who wants all current …

You’ve got we-mail (Mistake #95)

“I’ve occasionally found myself hesitating to offer work to someone who shared an email address with their partner,” an editor of my acquaintance told me recently. I’ve seen email addresses like that too. I’m sure you have, as well. It’s a non-issue for me, as I’m rarely in a position to commission work …

Money, again (Mistake #85)

I’ve been experiencing a flurry of talented students emailing me with news of writing successes. “What fee have you been offered?” is my knee-jerk response to each communication, though I usually manage to check myself and squeeze in a “Congratulations!” before the filthy dosh question invariably spills over. (As an aside, I once went through …

“Oh $&#£ off!” (Mistake #19)

A couple of months ago I read a BMJ editorial by Rhona Flin, Professor of Applied Psychology at the University of Aberdeen, in which she argued that experiencing or witnessing rudeness at work makes you more likely to make mistakes. This would seem to be common sense, although it’s not something to which I’d previously …

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