“What’s copyright?” (Mistake #35)

I don’t believe there’s a writer out there who has never heard of copyright, but I reckon there are many who have little idea what it is. If you’re among them, there’s no shame in it. But not doing anything to rid yourself of this ongoing ignorance is, I have come to be reminded over …

Getting your age wrong… ish (Mistake #34)

It was my birthday at the weekend. I am still in my thirties, having just turned thirty-twelve. I understand some people call this number “forty-two” but they are just pedants and we don’t need to concern ourselves with them. Because I’m (possibly) middle-aged and (definitely) grumpy, here are some other age-related writing mini-misdemeanours which trip …

Saying it twice (Mistake #33)

Repetition, tautology, pleonasm… whatever you want to call it, it’s basically saying something twice. Easily done. Very common. I do it. While scouting for examples I came across one which I use all the time, and which I’ll include in this post. See whether you can spot it. But first, some examples. And to demonstrate …

Unimaginative Market Choices (Mistake #29)

With around 10,000 publications in the UK – and surely a million around the world – you might expect that the range of markets targeted by new writers would be vast. Any writing tutor would probably tell you the opposite is true. Most of us see the same titles namechecked over and over again. Reader’s …

Stating what you want (Mistake #28)

Usually, in a cover letter: “I want to share my story with readers…” That much will be obvious, if you are proposing an article about your story to an editor. Besides, what about what the editor and readers want? Rather than state what you want, state what you’re offering and ask the editor whether she …

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