Mistakes Writers Make is for new and aspiring writers of articles, features, essays and other forms of non-fiction — be it for magazines, newspapers or online media — as well as those with a little more experience in the world of freelance writing.
The blog covers writing mistakes commonly made by new writers — and gives advice on how to put them right — as well as topical or controversial writing issues, affecting all who work with the written word.
Elsewhere on the site there are market opportunities, regularly updated non-fiction writing contests and prizes, useful links and much more.
The site is edited by me, Alex Gazzola — a writer with twenty years’ experience in the business, over ten as a writing tutor, and the author of several books for writers.
My Writing Books
I have written four books for new and beginner non-fiction writers.
The first book in the ‘Mistakes Writers Make’ series is 50 Mistakes Beginner Writers Make.
This one starts at the very beginning, for the complete novice writer, gradually introducing the basic concepts of freelance writing for publication in magazines, newspapers and for online media — all through the medium of error. It shows the aspiring freelance writer some of the mistakes they may believe, or may be making, and shows them one or more ways to put them right. All the fundamentals are here: how to generate ideas, approach editors, research your market, craft an article, revise your work and submit it professionally.
You can buy it through Amazon in ebook and print formats by clicking here. For other e-readers, click here.
The second book in the series is 50 More Mistakes Beginner Writers Make.
This one elaborates on some of the ideas introduced in its predecessor, looking at generating article ideas in far greater depth, as well as the business of writing — ie contracts, copyright, and money. It shows you how to deal professionally with editors, improve all-important editing techniques, and it equips you with the key skills required to make a living from the living word.
You can buy it through Amazon in ebook and print formats by clicking here. For other e-readers, click here.
The third book is 50 Mistakes Writers Make.
This takes you to the next level …
Ideas from the previous two books are further developed, but more new concepts are introduced: negotiating, interviewing skills, writing competitions and blogging, for instance. The book is ideal for the writer who has enjoyed a little bit of success with publishing non-fiction, but wants to tackle more competitive markets, and enjoy more regular success!
You can buy it through Amazon in ebook and print formats by clicking here. For other e-readers, click here.
Not strictly a ‘Mistakes Writers Make’ guide, but Writing Your Non-fiction Book is a short ebook which does exactly what it says in the title, in three parts.
Part 1 takes the reader through the process of coming up with the idea of the book, through to proposing it and selling it to a publisher. Part 2 covers the actual research and writing — as well as understanding the contract. Part 3, meanwhile, shows what you can do to help publicise and market your book.
You can buy it through Amazon in ebook format by clicking here.